Monday, September 21, 2009

The World We Want

The world politicians and media commentators all wish to get back to growth, to restore what we have lost due to the current economic crisis. There are very few looking at the type of world we would love to create.

One issue is that power rests more and more with large business and large business in general wants consumption and growth.

Those who reach the dizzy heights of financial wealth are no happier than those nearer the prevailing income and yet they seem to know no better or have no wider a vision than economic and financial growth.

Perhaps we need new measures for self actualisation, measures of well being, sustainability, community cohesion, beauty, equality and more.

What are we chasing, well one of the stock answers is that without jobs and income we cannot have choice or our choices are very limited. While this may be partly true it is not the full story, we have more choice in every situation than we realise.

Getting the conventional job and income often brings severe constraints, we can loose a large part of our quality time to a non creative environment. Work is often boring and frustrating and getting the full package of house and car often ties us to a pretty dull life.

Is there a better vision, a better possibility, I don't know but it certainly warrants contemplation, If we designed our lives from scratch would we design what we have today ?

It is so easy to take the ride in the groove and limit our experience to what is available on the banks of the groove which over time deepens to a gorge.

Don't buy the ready packaged life, pick the loose fruit every day and watch your wheel of life for every rut.

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