Ever get caught up with all the stuff going on, Internet, blogs, new gadgets, cars, clothes houses. Do you find it difficult just to switch into observing and being. Ever feel that all the doing, accumulating and achieving is just a cushion, a buffer between us and life.
Perhaps all our striving is just denial, we will do anything , whatever, to avoid the truth. Perhaps life would be a lot more rewarding and less stressful if we could accept.
So what would we accept? Well perhaps we would accept that we are more like the rest of living entities than we care to admit. Perhaps we are no more important and have no different a role that the trees or grass or frogs. We are born we develop, we mate, we nest and nurture. We grow old and we die. In-between we have moments of pleasure and of pain and with most areas of life that we encounter we have far less control than we pretend.
Our life cycle is no different that the life-cycle of a spider or a potato plant, but how we strive and strut to deny this. Sure we have intelligence however we are a very primitive species.
So is this a dismal tale? Well not really. Perhaps if we accept reality we would address the real issues, have real values and stop running away from what we know and fear deep down. Perhaps we would get close to nature, to people and to the planet and enjoy the big things in life that we ignore every day. The sun rising, the clouds passing, the wind blowing all these big things that we have made little.
So what about the rest of life, learning, working, making money, the BUZZ?
Perhaps we have turned life upside down, suffer from addictions and crave acceptance for our achievements and possession's and fail to identify the nourishment we need. Perhaps we need to restore the balance, become aware of what we are doing, realise we have more choice and less control than we admit.
Do we ever stand back and ask what really matters to us, what do we value, what could we not live without, what are our needs.
So where to start?
Perhaps at the beginning and end of each day ask whether you are doing what you really want to do this day. You have one life and each day is for living, just bring some awareness into your life look for you addictions and denials and connect with people and nature.
Have a go, you owe it to yourself.