Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Qualification Bubble

We have one of the best Education Systems in the World ! ( Rant!)

Qualification Bubble

To compliment the Irish Property Bubble we have our Qualification Bubble built on the same false premise - rather than everyone becoming rich by investing in property - it is everyone can become rich by acquiring a qualification, a masters or better still a PhD.

The qualification boom moved in unison with the property boom, we built all these new achedemic institutions populated them with fools and then sold qualifications to allcomers.

The double whammy is that the qualified were and are fooled into thinking they are something they are not ..... educated.

The new institutions and courses mushroomed we now have qualifications in every subject, we can hardly go to the bathroom without a qualification and knowledge of "best practice". Qualifications are the new devalued currency suffering from rapid inflation and soon will go bust.

We have populated the Universities with mediocrity, people who have no life experience just book learning. These people are often arrogant and uneducated and hunger after the power privilege and status of being a lecturer.

The rumblings are beginning..... Ireland will soon be found out for having an over qualified and undereducated population.

Civil Society Irish Style - Claim Jumpers


Have you heard of the new crowd on the bock - Civil Society Irish Style. Civil Society is now being cornered in Ireland by the NGO's ... the Poverty Industry, the Development / Aid Industry and the Qualifications Business. They now have the answers !

Civil Society in Ireland consists of Family, Church, GAA, Soccer Clubs, Womens Groups, Mens Groups, Card Clubs, Tennis Clubs, Lions Clubs, Gardening clubs etc...... and yet it is now being hijacked by power grabbers the professional NGO's

The NGO's represent vested interests and are interested in protecting their power, their status their income and their privilege. They have pursuits like helping the poor, they come from the colonial imperialist model of behaviour and are of little value to a sane society.

They are professional advocates or self proclaimed representatives of the poor and disadvantaged and their careers are dependant on maintaining the status quo. They are the needy in that they require more than most, they require that feeling associated with do-gooders, that feeling of superiority and privilege that allows them stay in positions of power, positions that perpetuate and are contingent on the dependency culture they profess to eliminate.

The current claim grabbers have taken all the space of Civil Society and claim a purity they do not rightfully possess. They are not Civil Society but impostors and claim grabbers who hunt power status and privilege and lack that essential humility and culture of service.

They are lifers, career helpers and facilitators of dependency who earn their money from the distress of others whom they then claim to represent or act on their behalf as advocats.

We need to look at all the power and privilage hunters and query their motivation and credentials. Why remove one set of power hungry people and replace them with another.